Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) were established in 1973 and are overseen by the federal Administration for Community Living and the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services. AAAs are tasked with helping vulnerable older adults and, more recently, adults with disabilities live with independence and dignity in their homes and communities.


We provide caregivers with support to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress. We enable them to provide care longer, thereby avoiding or delaying the need for costly institutional care.

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Community-Based Services

Our services include, but is not limited to: General and medical transportation, in-home aide, nutrition services, health promotion, respite, housing and home improvement, adult daycare, information and assistance, insurance counseling and legal services.

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Healthy Aging

We provide health-promotion programs and interventions. The programs selected have been tested and proven
to provide positive health results. Classes are fun, empowering, provide peer support, and help achieve
better health.

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Legal Services

We provide answers to general legal questions and offer advice specific to each situation.
Our lawyers can write letters and make phone calls to help you resolve your problem.
In addition, they can review legal documents with you, clarify issues, and provide options.

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Long-Term Care Ombudsman

We provide caregivers who visit and listen to the needs of residents in nursing
homes, adult care homes, and family care homes to ensure rights are being upheld.

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